Healing Through Awareness
This is a yoga and meditation class with a focus on healing. The class begins with a gentle yoga set, followed by a healing meditation. At the end of the class we have a 20 minute Sat Nam Rasayan® practice session.

Sat Nam Rasayan® is a system that heals
through the "Sacred Space" which is accessed by a transcendent consciousness.
Sat Nam Rasayan® trains you to master neutral, loving Awareness, and apply that awareness to healing yourself and others. The benefit to the patient is immediate, and is often experienced as a release of stress.
Fall 2009
Wednesdays   9:30 to 11:00 AM
September 9 th to December 9 th  
(No Class November 25)
Baba Siri Chand Yoga Center
at Guru Ram Das Ashram
368 Village Street, Millis
$88 for any 8 classes, or $15 drop-in
For more information, please call:
Siri Tapa K. Khalsa
(508) 376-5882